Miles per gallon to litres per 100km conversion (mpg to l/100km)
Select UK or US gallons and enter the value you need to convert in the appropriate box.
These miles per gallon to litres per 100km converters offer a quick converter for specific values, just enter the value you need to convert in the appropriate box. Alternatively the conversion tables show conversions for commonly used values.
Miles per gallon (UK) to litres per 100 kilometres conversion table (mpg UK to l/100km)
MPG (UK) | L/100 km |
1 | 282.48 |
2 | 141.24 |
3 | 94.16 |
4 | 70.62 |
5 | 56.50 |
6 | 47.08 |
7 | 40.35 |
8 | 35.31 |
9 | 31.39 |
10 | 28.25 |
MPG (UK) | L/100 km |
12 | 23.54 |
14 | 20.18 |
16 | 17.66 |
18 | 15.69 |
20 | 14.12 |
22 | 12.84 |
24 | 11.77 |
26 | 10.86 |
28 | 10.09 |
30 | 9.42 |
MPG (UK) | L/100 km |
32 | 8.83 |
34 | 8.31 |
36 | 7.85 |
38 | 7.43 |
40 | 7.06 |
42 | 6.73 |
44 | 6.42 |
46 | 6.14 |
48 | 5.89 |
50 | 5.65 |
MPG (UK) | L/100 km |
55 | 5.14 |
60 | 4.71 |
65 | 4.35 |
70 | 4.04 |
75 | 3.77 |
80 | 3.53 |
85 | 3.32 |
90 | 3.14 |
95 | 2.97 |
100 | 2.82 |
Conversion formula
The conversion formula for converting from miles per Imperial gallon to litres per 100km is as follows:
Step 1: Convert miles per UK gallon to kilometres per UK gallon by multiplying by 1.609, the conversion factor for miles to kilometres.
Step 2: Convert kilometres per UK gallon to kilometres per litre by dividing by 4.546 the conversion factor for litres to UK gallons.
Step 3: Convert kilometres per litre to litres per kilometre by taking the inverse (i.e. litres per kilometre = 1/kpl).
Step 4: Convert litres per kilometre to litres per 100km by multiplying by 100.
Thus when using Imperial (UK) gallons: L/100km = 100/((mpg * 1.609)/4.546)
Miles per gallon (US) to litres per 100 kilometres conversion table (mpg US to l/100km)
MPG (US) | L/100 km |
1 | 235.21 |
2 | 117.61 |
3 | 78.40 |
4 | 58.80 |
5 | 47.04 |
6 | 39.20 |
7 | 33.60 |
8 | 29.40 |
9 | 26.13 |
10 | 23.52 |
MPG (US) | L/100 km |
12 | 19.60 |
14 | 16.80 |
16 | 14.70 |
18 | 13.07 |
20 | 11.76 |
22 | 10.69 |
24 | 9.80 |
26 | 9.05 |
28 | 8.40 |
30 | 7.84 |
MPG (US) | L/100 km |
32 | 7.35 |
34 | 6.92 |
36 | 6.53 |
38 | 6.19 |
40 | 5.88 |
42 | 5.60 |
44 | 5.35 |
46 | 5.11 |
48 | 4.90 |
50 | 4.70 |
MPG (US) | L/100 km |
55 | 4.28 |
60 | 3.92 |
65 | 3.62 |
70 | 3.36 |
75 | 3.14 |
80 | 2.94 |
85 | 2.77 |
90 | 2.61 |
95 | 2.48 |
100 | 2.35 |
Conversion formula
The conversion formula for converting from miles per US Customary gallon to litres per 100km is as follows:
Step 1: Convert miles per US gallon to kilometres per US gallon by multiplying by 1.609, the conversion factor for miles to kilometres.
Step 2: Convert kilometres per US gallon to kilometres per litre by dividing by 3.785 the conversion factor for litres to US gallons.
Step 3: Convert kilometres per litre to litres per kilometre by taking the inverse (i.e. litres per kilometre = 1/kpl).
Step 4: Convert litres per kilometre to litres per 100km by multiplying by 100.
Thus when using US gallons: L/100km = 100/((mpg * 1.609)/3.785)
Car mileage figures are often given as litres per 100km (L/100km) in Canada and some European countries, although as engine efficiency improves kilometres per litre (km/l) is becoming a more common measure of performance.
If you are moving from the US or UK to a country that uses L/100km our converters can help you work out the fuel efficiency of a car you are looking to purchase and to compare it to figures that you are comfortable with.
Litres per 100 kilometres to miles per gallon conversion table (l/100km to mpg)
L/100 km | MPG (UK) | MPG (US) |
1 | 282.48 | 235.21 |
2 | 141.24 | 117.61 |
3 | 94.16 | 78.40 |
4 | 70.62 | 58.80 |
5 | 56.50 | 47.04 |
6 | 47.08 | 39.20 |
7 | 40.35 | 33.60 |
8 | 35.31 | 29.40 |
9 | 31.39 | 26.13 |
10 | 28.25 | 23.52 |
L/100 km | MPG (UK) | MPG (US) |
12 | 23.54 | 19.60 |
14 | 20.18 | 16.80 |
16 | 17.66 | 14.70 |
18 | 15.69 | 13.07 |
20 | 14.12 | 11.76 |
22 | 12.84 | 10.69 |
24 | 11.77 | 9.80 |
26 | 10.86 | 9.05 |
28 | 10.09 | 8.40 |
30 | 9.42 | 7.84 |
L/100 km | MPG (UK) | MPG (US) |
32 | 8.83 | 7.35 |
34 | 8.31 | 6.92 |
36 | 7.85 | 6.53 |
38 | 7.43 | 6.19 |
40 | 7.06 | 5.88 |
42 | 6.73 | 5.60 |
44 | 6.42 | 5.35 |
46 | 6.14 | 5.11 |
48 | 5.89 | 4.90 |
50 | 5.65 | 4.70 |
L/100 km | MPG (UK) | MPG (US) |
55 | 5.14 | 4.28 |
60 | 4.71 | 3.92 |
65 | 4.35 | 3.62 |
70 | 4.04 | 3.36 |
75 | 3.77 | 3.14 |
80 | 3.53 | 2.94 |
85 | 3.32 | 2.77 |
90 | 3.14 | 2.61 |
95 | 2.97 | 2.48 |
100 | 2.82 | 2.35 |
Conversion formulae
The conversion formulae for converting litres per 100km to miles per gallon are as follows:
Step 1: Convert litres per 100km to litres per kilometre by dividing by 100.
Step 2: Convert litres per kilometre to kilometres per litre by taking the inverse (i.e. km per L = 1/L per km).
Step 3: Convert kilometres per litre to kilometres per gallon by multiplying be the appropriate conversion factor (4.546 for Imperial gallons or 3.785 for US Customary gallons).
Step 4: Convert kilometres per gallon to miles per gallon by dividing by 1.609 the conversion factor for miles to kilometres.
mpg UK = (4.546 * (100 / L per 100km)) / 1.609
mpg US = (3.785 * (100 / L per 100km)) / 1.609
See also the mpg to lpkm converter.